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Why the Board of Education?

The school board is responsible for raising the level of academic achievement of the more than 27,000 students enrolled in Charles County Public Schools, and for improving the management and administration of the county’s public school system. 


Our children’s public education is the most important investment we can make in our shared future. We have the collective power to ensure that every child in Charles County Public Schools has the opportunity to thrive in the college and/or career of their choice. As a product of our nation’s public education system, I know first-hand the power of public schools and the bridge for success it builds for the underprivileged. Education has been my path to social mobility. A path for which I am deeply grateful. I am Jamila Smith and I want to ensure that CCPS is a school system that serves all children for a brighter future.

Meet Jamila


Jamila Smith is a devoted wife and mother of 3 children, all of whom attend Charles County Public Schools. Jamila is also a dedicated community advocate and life-long learner. She is a leader who has led teams to success across the public and non-profit sectors, and she will use the experience to help the Board of Education navigate the opportunities and challenges that Charles County students, families, and schools will face as we continue to whether and eventually emerge from the pandemic.

Commitment to Public Service.

Jamila was raised by public servants with her father working for the State of New York supporting locally-based services to address the needs of individuals, families, and communities affected by addiction and her mother served the city as a 32-year veteran of the NYPD. Jamila obtained her Bachelor’s Degree from Georgetown University and her Master’s from the Catholic University of America.


As a civil servant within the federal government, Jamila oversees several initiatives that provide financial and technical support to improve the educational achievement of students, particularly high-need students and our youngest learners. She has led initiatives to support students and communities in rural and geographically isolated areas, as well as supported state agencies in their focus on performance management and education reform sustainability. As an 11-year resident of Charles County, Jamila has volunteered her time advocating for education issues.


Jamila is driven by her passion for public service. She is an: 

  • alumni of the Charles County Citizens Police Academy, 
  • alumni of the Citizens Academy program, 
  • board member on the Charles County Early Childhood Advisory Council 
  • board member on the 2021 Charles County Redistricting Board
  • PTO Leadership Team member

Jamila is a proud member of:

  • Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
  • Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated (Southern Maryland Chapter)

Commitment to Education

Jamila believes that ALL of our children are capable of academic excellence, and it takes a “village” to unlock their potential. This village comes from full engagement among family, school, and the community. It has been shown that community and family engagement are critical to our children’s well-being and academic performance. Our schools must provide a safe, nurturing, and enabling environment, that provide access to rigorous curriculums and coursework for ALL of our children.  We must make sure our children are ready for the rapidly evolving future and prepared to step into the career-paths and skills of tomorrow. Lastly, our schools and the community need to have mutual trust. Accountability, transparency, and consistent communication are the bedrock of that trust.